Work café, work in progress?

Rotterdam Daily Photo: Work café, work in progress?
Rotterdam Daily Photo: Work café, work in progress?

On my way to work via the Luchtsingel I walked past this place, the door was open and on the board what you can just see is: “Work Café”. You first have to go through the opening of the gate and as you can see people are still busy with work at the building. The “Work Café” is another Work in progress, so to speak!

Progress in 1898

Rotterdam Daily Photo: Progress in 1898
Rotterdam Daily Photo: Progress in 1898

I always wanted to take a photograph of the tile tableau on this buildings facade. And today I took the subway and did it! The “Rotterdamsche Cooperatieve broodbakkerij en verbruiksvereeniging Vooruitgang“* founded in 1898 to provide good-quality bread and other foodstuffs at an affordable price to the working class. The bombing of Rotterdam in 1940 destroyed various stores and the head office of the bread and pastry bakery “Vooruitgang” or “Progress”. Short after the war a new head office was opened on a new location, the Schiekade. And in 1967 a whole new building at the Rotterdamse Zomerhofstraat combined all the old locations, the head office etc. In 1972 it all ended. Nowadays the location houses small businesses and many creative entrepreneurs.

* Translated: Rotterdam Cooperative bread bakery and consumption association Progress