Rotterdam Daily Photo: June 1st, 2020, theme day “Park”
Unfortunately I could not make a recording of the day this theme day. Therefore also this time one from archive. Made in 2019 with a film camera, the Nikon F50. It is the Pompenburg park, small but nice. See the shadows of two people? One of them is me!
I’m a bit exhausted today, and all I want is… to take a break. So a peacefull photo of the Norwegian Sailor’s Church, located on the Westzeedijk next to the entrance of the Park. Sorry… you still get a photo, but no facts and figures caption today…
Photographed at the same day as the streetscape, the Hofbogen Park, build on the platforms of a former railway station, the Hofplein Line. Designed as a public park: the Hofbogen Park. It is open to everyone daily from 10 a.m. to sunset. A unique place to picnic or walk with a magnificent urban view. In collaboration with the DakAkker, an orchard with 150 fruit and nut trees is also managed which is called “the Dakgaard“. The fruit trees are framed by heme vegetation. Part of the Hofbogen Park consists of an event area. Worth a visit!
Rotterdam Daily Photo: Green spot in centre of Rotterdam
I made this photo a while ago but it is a good one for a sunday, a quiet green spot in the centre of the city between the railroad tracks, busy streets and high buildings, the corner Couwenburg – Pompenburg. People grown their own vegetables in a edge of this small park. But plans are to build here and in a few years buildings will replace this green spot with concrete and cars…