Blue Monday skylight

Rotterdam Daily Photo: Blue Monday skylight
Rotterdam Daily Photo: Blue Monday skylight

I was not able to take a fresh picture this monday so one out of the archives. A original film photo taken near my home in the Agniesebuurt. A blue wall with this old light box. Is it art? A blue sky for blue monday fits this day perfect in any case!

To the stars and beyond!

Rotterdam Daily Photo: To the stars and beyond!
Rotterdam Daily Photo: To the stars and beyond!

Today I’m not at home just like yesterday and had to prepare this post and yesterday in advance. I had this picture in my archive and today it seems to fit the sunday. On the road and on my way to the next week, a early start monday morning, just going and going, hence the title of this post: To the stars and beyond!”.

P.S. Picture taken on the tram, line 25, at the stop Wilgenplaslaan, Schiebroek, a suburb of Rotterdam.

A lightened (monday)morning!

Rotterdam Daily Photo: A lightened (monday)morning!
Rotterdam Daily Photo: A lightened (monday)morning!

Sometimes a early (monday)morning can be so beautiful in terms of light! Walking to the metro (or subway or underground) my route was through this street, the Korte Hoogstraat and the sun offered me this photo opportunity! I took advantage of it and now you can also see and feel a Rotterdam morning!