Bowed strings in Rotterdam

Rotterdam Daily Photo: Bowed strings in Rotterdam
Rotterdam Daily Photo: Bowed strings in Rotterdam

In the Proveniersstraat near the railway station there’s a house where you would not know that a violin builder is housed until you see the violin on the facade (and of course the nameplate also helps…). De Blitz violin makers started around 1905 by Calman Blitz, his son Lou took it over and his son Otto was his successor then again from 1969. This small business still goes on.

Abandoned but not forgotten

Rotterdam Daily Photo: Abandoned but not forgotten
Rotterdam Daily Photo: Abandoned but not forgotten

This sunday morning I walked by this hidden spot. Its maybe difficult to find but its still there, sandwiched between the tall buildings, a Jewish cemetery that dates back to 1696! First used for the Portuguese commune and since 1710 used by the “Hoogduitse” commune, in 1811 consisting of approximately 2100 people.  People were buried there until 1820. There are about 200 gravestones, but the older graves are under the most recent ones.

At the start of WWII in 1940 some 13.000 Jews lived in Rotterdam. Nowadays there is not much left of this community. The foundation Boete en verzoening (penance and reconciliation?) takes care of maintenance of this historic place so that it is not forgotten.