And now a message of general interest

Rotterdam Daily Photo: And now a message of general interest
Rotterdam Daily Photo: And now a message of general interest

This is not someone who wishes everybody love for Rotterdam but a shopsign on the central station of Rotterdam! This shop sells all kind of stuff connected to or with Rotterdam, hats, calendars etc. you name it! No advertising just a tip for visitors! And the most valuable of Rotterdam is unfortunately not for sale, myself! 🙂

November 1st theme day “Brown”

Rotterdam Daily Blog: November 1st theme day “Brown”
Rotterdam Daily Blog: November 1st theme day “Brown”

First of the month again and themeday again! Theme is “brown” so the last days I was scanning for a photo op with a brownish je ne sais quoi… And the photo op occurred when I traveled by train to another beautiful town here in the Netherlands – Maastricht… Our brown travelbags on the brown bench in the great hall of Rotterdam Centraal, the mainhub for trains to all directions of the Netherlands! I was on my way to horizons and the picture to the world by means of my blog!