These ships enclosed in this ‘harbour’ are about to make their last voyage. They used to be a restaurant and party ship but are closed for years now. A chess club were the last occupants but a leak almost sunk the ships. And now they are to be destroyed…
Author: Richard
Born in Rotterdam, Kralingen. Living there now for more then 59 years. Working in public transport so I enjoy the city everyday...
Rotterdam miniworld…
No, I didn’t fly over Rotterdam but photographed this view in Miniworld! This place is amazing! They build Rotterdam in HO size, a default size for mini railroad tracks and trains. They build the harbors and buildings from Rotterdam in detailled HO formats and all is alive with running trains, trams and a day/night setting. More info on their site:
A bit of the country in the middle of the city!
Its almost if you are in the middle of the country but this is also Rotterdam, just by the river Maas! Its a small piece of land, a leftover of building protection against flooding of parts of the city near the Brienenoord bridge, a important bridge for connecting the north and south of the Netherlands…